Меню KDT

Астана қаласы әкімдігінің "№4 Балалар мен жасөспірімдердің мамандандырылған олимпиадалық резерв спорт мектебі" КММ

About school

MSI "Specialized Children's and youth sports School of the Olympic Reserve No. 4" of the Akimat of Astana is located at:

010000 Astana, Tauelsizdik ave. 2, in the Sports Complex "Tolkyn" Rowing Canal.

tel. 8(7172) 36-93-50, 36-88-83

email address: dussha_4@mail.ru

The school has been open since the spring of 2001 by the decision of the Akimat of Astana in order to develop water sports in the city.

Also, in the gym of the Tolkyn Sports Complex, athletes of all departments are trained. The school has a sports complex with administrative premises, with a total area of 1614.6 sq.m.

The head of the KSU "SDYUSSHOR No. 4" is Nurbol Shamshidinovich Zharkynbekov.

Deputy head of educational work - Tisbayeva Anar Sergeevna.

The head of the sports facility is Ilyasov Abzal Kunshygarovich.

Places of classes:

— S/K "Tolkyn" (gym, sports hall), Rowing channel (academic rowing, kayaking and canoeing);
— Summer base of the Ishim river;
— MLD "Barys Arena", 57 Turan Ave. (swimming, diving, synchronized swimming).

Training sessions are held (according to the approved schedule) from Monday to Saturday from 08.00 to 20.00 hours.

The main subject of activity and the task of the Institution is: the implementation of production and economic activities in the field of sports, according to the types of sports determined by the authorized body.

To implement the tasks set, the Institution has the right to carry out:
1) physical culture, health and rehabilitation work with the involvement of the population in systematic physical culture and sports;
2) preparation of the sports reserve;
3) organization and holding of sports competitions, including international level;
4) organization and conduct of mass sports and sports training sessions;
5) strengthening the material and technical base;
6) attracting trainers for training camps;
7) study and implementation of the best practices of sports organizations in the training of athletes in coaching;
8) organization and holding of events for training, retraining and advanced training of the coaching, teaching and judicial staff both on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad;
9) carrying out medical, psychological, pedagogical, preventive and other restorative measures for athletes and coaches;
10) providing insurance of athletes against accidents during the training processes, training camps and competitions;
11) medical and biological support of athletes of the Institution;
12) promotion of physical culture and sports in the mass media.